paul lee | moving images
paul lee
From Boulder, Colorado, Paul attended film school at the University of Colorado. After five years working as an Editor, he joined director Pete Coggan at 42 Productions. The Colorado-based production company pioneered HD video and digital cinema, working for a variety of clients including aerospace, feature films and documentaries and A-List agencies. When 42 Productions began work on Woodshop, Paul jumped at the chance to get behind the camera, becoming the project's director of photography and co-producer, pioneering digital cinema production and finishing work in Colorado. Over the years, he has shot with everything from RED digital cinema cameras down to GoPros. Paul returned to the DP position as well as co-writing the feature Fishing Naked, released in 2015. Once shooting wrapped, Paul got back in the edit suite and additionally completed compositing and roto work on several hundred shots and supervised the DCP process. Outside of feature films, Paul enjoys working with clients on a variety of projects.
When not behind a camera or in the edit suite, Paul can be found on a cyclocross or mountain bike somewhere near Boulder.
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